Monday, 21 March 2016


Professors, Readers, Senior Lecturers, Lecturer I, Lecturer II in the following College/Faculties/Departments of the University
  College of Medical Sciences
  School of Medicine

Chemical Pathology
Community Medicine
Hematology and Immunology
Medical Biochemistry
Medical Microbiology
Morbid Anatomy
Obstetrics and Gynecology
Pharmacology and Therapeutics
Radiation Medicine
Psychological Medicine

Child Dental Health
   School of Basic Medical Sciences
    Dept of Nursing  
   Dept of Physiology  
   Dept of Medical Laboratory science

1) Faculty of Pharmacy
   Pharmaceutical Technology and Industrial Pharmacy
   Pharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Microbiology
   Pharmaceutical and Medicinal Chemistry
   Pharmacognosy and Environmental Medicines
   Pharmacology and Toxicology
   Clinical Pharmacy and Pharmacy Management
   Faculty of Sciences
   Dept of Biochemistry
   Dept of Microbiology
   Dept of Computer Science and Mathematics
   Dept of Biological Sciences (Plant Biology and Biotechnology, Animal and Environmental Studies)
   Dept of Chemistry
   Dept of Physics
   Faculty of Engineering
   Dept of Agricultural Engineering
   Dept of Chemical Engineering
   Dept of Civil Engineering
   Dept of Mechanical Engineering
   Dept of Petroleum Engineering
   Dept of Electrical/Electronic Engineering

2) Faculty of Arts and Education
   Dept of English
   Dept of Educational Studies and Management (English, Religion. Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics, Economics and Political Science)
   Banking and Finance
   Mass Communication
   Theartre Arts

3)  Faculty of Social Science
    Dept of Accounting
    Dept of Business Administration
    Dept of Economics
    Dept of Political Science and Public Administration
    Dept of Sociology

4)    Faculty of Law
   Commercial and Property Law
    International and Jurisprudence
    Private and Public Law

5)    General Studies/Services Unit

In all cases, candidate must possess research and teaching abilities and experience

(i)    Professor  
Candidates should possess a Ph.D degree in the discipline applied for from a recognized University with at least ten (10) years teaching and research experience in a University. Candidates must possess scholarly publications in both local and international journals as a proof of being specialist in core areas of departmental fields of study and membership of Professional bodies where required. A candidate must also have sufficient administrative experience. He/she must have the ability to provide academic leadership.

(ii)    Associate Professor
As in (i) above, but with eight (8) years teaching and research experience in a University. Candidate must also have sufficient administrative experience.

 (iii)    Senior Lecturer
As in (i) above, but with five (5) years teaching and research experience in a University. Candidate must also have sufficient administrative experience.

(iv)    Lecturer I
Candidates should possess a Ph.D degree in the discipline applied for from a recognized University with at least three (3) years of teaching and research experience since becoming a Lecturer II in a University or comparable institution of higher learning. Evidence of scholarly publications in reputable journals is also required. Candidate should have been a Lecturer II for a minimum of three (3) years.
(v)    Lecturer II
Candidates should possess a Ph.D degree in the discipline applied for from a recognized University with at least three (3) years of teaching and research experience since becoming an Assistant Lecturer in a University.

(vi)    Assistant Lecturer    
Candidates should possess a Masters degree in the relevant area and must have registered for the Ph.D. programme in their respective fields.

Salaries and allowances are as obtainable in Nigerian Public Universities. An enhanced welfare package is also in place to attract the best in the education sector.

As contained in the approved conditions governing service of Senior Staff of the University.

          Visit the University website at and fill an   
           application form

In addition to stating the names and addresses of the referees, applicants should request their referees to forward reference on their behalf directly to: 

The Registrar, 
Edo University, 
Etsako West LGA, 
Edo State.

NB:  Applicants from the range of Professorship and Associate Professorship should forward a bound copy of their publications to the Registrar along with their applications.

The application should reach the Registrar not later than 3 weeks from the date of this publication.

Dr.(Mrs.) I. Ogboro,FNIM